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Niguliste museum
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Unicorn in the Magical Forest
06/09/2024 – 06/04/2025
Niguliste Museum
The new glass lift and skydeck
Closer to the Sky!
Niguliste Museum
Permanent exhibition of Niguliste Museum
Permanent exhibition
Niguliste Museum
Stop the war!

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Unicorn in the Magical Forest 06/09/2024 – 06/04/2025

Niguliste Museum
Motif from the armoury cuirass of Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden. 1620–1621. National Historical Museums of Sweden – Royal Armoury

The Niguliste Museum presents the Swedish Royal Armoury’s family exhibition of unicorns and expands it with fantastic and mythical creatures from Estonian collections. The exhibition explores the story and meaning of the magical unicorn and opens up a wider world of fictional and fantastic creatures.


Half an hour of Organ Music On permanent exhibition

Niguliste Museum
Niguliste muuseumi organistid Tiit Kiik ja Andres Uibo.

Each Saturday and Sunday, starting at 4 pm, traditional organ music performances take place in the museum. Classical and modern organ music is played by the Niguliste Museum organists Andres Uibo and Tiit Kiik.


Estonian Book 500: Relics 25/04/2025 – 26/10/2025

Niguliste Museum
The Alphabet Rooster’s Metamorphosis. Digital collage. In the middle: Image of a rooster from an ABC book. Riga Printing House, 17th century. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library in Hannover

The year 2025 will be celebrated in Estonia and Latvia as the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first known books written in the respective languages. In cooperation with Tallinn University and the Tallinn City Archives.


Michel Sittow 500 21/11/2025 – 24/05/2026

Niguliste Museum
Apostle John. Detail. Sancho de Zamora, Juan de Segovia and Michel Sittow. The altarpiece of the Luna family chapel. 1488–1489. Toledo Cathedral, Spain

December 2025 marks 500 years since the death of Michel Sittow (c. 1469–1525). This exhibition presents earlier works of the Tallinn-born artist, who was highly valued in Europe at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries.


Permanent exhibition of Niguliste Museum Permanent exhibition

Niguliste Museum
Permanent exhibition
Workshop of Hermen Rode. Niguliste kiriku peaaltari retaabel. Detail. 1478–1481. Art Museum of Estonia
Retable of the high altar of St. Nicholas’ Church. Detail. Workshop of Hermen Rode. 1478–1481. Art Museum of Estonia

The collection in the Niguliste Museum holds the most remarkable and valuable part of the medieval and early modern ecclesiastical art of Estonia. Most of the works of art in the Niguliste Museum’s collection originate from the church itself and have been displayed in their former locations.

Permanent exhibition

Digital Collection

Here is the very best from the collections of the Art Museum of Estonia – the Digital Collection of the Art Museum of Estonia is an image database containing photos and records of the works of art in the collections of the museum.